Sunday 18 September 2011

Ron Paul's MONEY BOMB 9/19/11


[link to]

Celebs,Corporations and whoever else wants to donate can donate in this!
The money bomb that got 6mill in one day was this one.
There Is NO LIMIT to how much people can donate.
Ron Pauls limit was a max amount of $2,500 during the last MoneyBomb


Constitutional Day Money Bomb it didn't get over the 1 Mil. mark in 24 hours.

It's not so much the amount of money raised, albeit money we all now is vitally important for any successful advertising campagin; however, it's the amount of passionate, individual support that is also necessary.

I wish we could have hit the 24hours-1 Milllion mark yesterday, with pure online/grassroots support. I don't think there was any television news / newspaper coverage yesterday and today. Every major news coverage was of the Reno Air Crash and that is understandable for sure, but I wasn't able to listen to any of the Sunday morning news television/cable shows - so some GLPer can respond to the coverage or lack there of during the past 48 hours of any Ron Paul donation coverage please share.

He has never voted to raise taxes.
He has never voted for an unbalanced budget.
He has never voted for a federal restriction on gun ownership.
He has never voted to raise congressional pay.
He has never voted to increase the power of the executive branch.
He voted against the Patriot Act.
He voted against the Iraq war.
He returns a portion of his annual congressional office budget to the U.S. treasury every year.

*Donate Here: [link to] <$*

[link to]

[link to]

Nibiru, Google Sky, WWT.

There is some talk about Google Sky and their blacked out portion of the sky. It seems that it is now more visible as it has partially moved out of the black out area.

Click on Pictures for large versions and coordinates.

Go to Google Sky & WWT & type these coordinates in 6h 8m 55.00s +22° 47 21.00 and view in the infared. I have also found this on using the DSS2 all sky survey option.

Just type in 6 8 55, 22 47 21 and zoom in using infared.

Its last known coordiantes were cut out by Google earth but now its moved as it nears the Sun.

This is huge & you can clearly see the moons around it so what do you make of this guys?

Halifax International Security Forum

Halifax International Security Forum

BG-11.018 - September 6, 2011

Halifax is hosting the third annual Halifax International Security Forum (HISF) from November 18th to 20th. The forum brings the world’s leading security and defence experts to Halifax to share ideas and solutions to the complex global realities that create instability and conflict.

The only event of its kind in North America, the Halifax International Security Forum fosters discussions covering a wide range of topics, including the evolution of international security, emerging global issues such as the Arab Spring, and making better use of resources to deliver on key security and defence commitments.

The Halifax International Security Forum, now in its third year, has established itself as a prestigious forum and network for thoughtful and engaged decision-makers from the military, government, business and other strategic sectors to work together to meet emerging threats in a rapidly changing world.

In 2009 and 2010, over 300 hundred high-profile participants from more than 40 different countries helped make the Forum a tremendous success. Past attendees included former Secretary of Defense of the United States Robert Gates, former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barack, United States Senator John McCain, former U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Belgium Minister of Defense Pieter de Crem, Britain former Minister of State for Security and Counter Terrorism the Right Honourable the Baroness Neville-Jones,  Denmark Minister of Defence Gitte Lillelund Bech, Germany Federal Ministry of Defence, Secretary of State Christian Schmidt, Netherlands former Minister of Defence Eimert van Middelkoop,  and Turkey Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Turkish Grand National Assembly Murat Mercan. The panel discussions were broadcast live by satellite.

Past discussions at the Forum covered a wide range of topics, including forward defence; protecting the public; state building; NATO beyond Afghanistan; sea, sky, cyber space security; a world without nuclear weapons; and global governance.

The unique format of the Forum encourages frank and open dialogue. Halifax Forum sessions are intentionally designed to foster discussions between the participants and the leading experts and practitioners on international security. The Forum is comprised of open plenary sessions, smaller breakfast and evening night owl sessions, as well as hosted dinners in the city of Halifax.

The HISF is proud to have Foreign Affairs as its media partner, and is made possible through a generous grant by both the Department of National Defence and the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency.

Foreign Affairs Magazine

Since its founding in 1922, Foreign Affairs has been the leading forum for serious discussion of American foreign policy and global affairs. It is published by the Council on Foreign Relations, a non-profit and nonpartisan membership organization dedicated to improving the understanding of U.S. foreign policy and international affairs through the free exchange of ideas. The magazine’s first issue led with a statement setting out an editorial vision that has remained constant ever since:

“The articles in Foreign Affairs will deal with questions of international interest today. They will cover a broad range of subjects, not only political but historical and economic, and they will be accompanied, when it is desirable, by maps and diagrams. Technical articles will be left to more special magazines. There will be numerous foreign contributors, but the fact that the interest and profit of the American reader are a first consideration will not be forgotten.”

“In pursuance of its ideals Foreign Affairs will not devote itself to the support of any one cause, however worthy. Like the Council on Foreign Relations from which it has sprung it will tolerate wide differences of opinion. Its articles will not represent any consensus of beliefs. What is demanded of them is that they shall be competent and well informed, representing honest opinions seriously held and convincingly expressed. We do not expect that readers of the review will sympathize with all the sentiments they find there, for some of our writers will flatly disagree with others; but we hold that while keeping clear of mere vagaries Foreign Affairs can do more to guide American public opinion by a broad hospitality to divergent ideas than it can by identifying itself with one school. It does not accept responsibility for the views expressed in any article, signed or unsigned, which appears in its pages. What it does accept is the responsibility for giving them a chance to appear there.”

For more information on ACOA:
Thanks to Lawyers Against War and Agent Herculean Spyglass of Abel Danger.



Dear All,

I sense this may be vitally important and I have blind copied in many!

Last Friday (16th September 2011) the following 3 hour live broadcast went out on Burngreave Community Radio Station in Sheffield.  Among many vitally important subjects covered during this session, the live broadcast contained reference to breaking news about the disgraceful hidden truth behind the Hillsborough disaster.  This news appears towards the end of part 1 of the U-stream recording and the beginning of part two. I invite you all to listen to the whole session and feel free to edit and publish excerpts on your own websites.  Listeners should particularly find the breaking story unfolding about Hillsborough deeply disturbing. It is high time the real truth came out!

We urge you to spread the news about Hillsborough in particular – we feel strongly that this now needs to be out in the open and in the public domain. After 22 years of cover up, we simply can’t rely on parliament to honestly tell the public the appalling truth when it returns from recess.

See below for the two U stream recordings! Please note that the whole 3 hour recording includes adverts used by Burngreave Community Radio which have not yet been edited out so patience is required but we think it will be amply rewarded.

Kind Regards

Tony Farrell
Here is the U-stream recordings of yesterday’s show:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Please listen to it & pas it for other supporter to edit excerpts &
post on U-tube etc

Saturday 17 September 2011

November 21 = Egypt Elections

Egypt will hold its first parliamentary election in three phases from November 21, the state-owned Al-Ahram newspaper said.

This will be the country's first vote since President Hosni Mubarak was toppled seven months ago.

The newspaper quoted the head of the electoral committee Abdel Muiz Ibrahim as saying a senate election will follow on January 22.

"A proposed timetable is in place for parliamentary and senate elections, with the first stage of parliamentary elections starting on November 21," it quoted him as saying.

The three-stage election will end on January 3, he said.

Another member of the committee that said that these dates should be announced by the ruling military supreme council and not by the committee itself, our correspondent in Egypt Sherine Tadros reported.

Political parties are due to meet members of the ruling military council on Sunday to discuss preparations for the elections.

"The meeting will be between various political groups and forces in the country and the supreme council, the point of the meeting is to discuss the details of the election law and precise election date.

"This is indicative of the political vacuum in the country and the confusion of who has what authority in Egypt," our correspondent added.

The country's ruling military council has been under pressure to fix a precise date for the election it had promised to hold when it took over after Mubarak was forced to step down in February.

The last parliamentary election, in November 2010, was swept by the National Democratic Party, which a court dissolved after Mubarak was ousted from power.

War In Iraq, Enki, Enlil, and UR

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In his 2003 State of the Union address President George W. Bush declared "the gravest danger facing America and the world, is outlaw regimes that seek and possess nuclear, chemical and biological weapons." (1) In his speech, President Bush eloquently expressed his main motivation for launching a preemptive war against Iraq in order to prevent "a day of horror like none we have ever known." Critics of President Bush's preemptive policy, including the political commentator, Robert Fisk, argue the upcoming US led war against Iraq "isn't about chemical warheads or human rights: it's about oil." (2) According to another prominent political commentator, Michael Lind, the motivation lies in the preemptive military doctrine championed by 'neo-conservatives' such as Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, whose policy views were given more prominence after the September 11 attack. (3)

Most, if not all, criticisms of the Bush administration's motivation for going to war focus on a combination of the imperial world views of conservative politicians in power in Washington, D.C., and the corporate interests that drive the political agenda of the Bush administration. This paper will provide a radically different political analysis of the Bush administration's motivation for going war, and of the explanations offered by his critics. It will be argued that the focus on either the factors supporting a preemptive war against an Iraq possessing weapons of mass destruction; or on criticisms against US imperialism and corporate interests, are not so much wrong, but simply reflect a limited political paradigm for understanding the motivations behind US foreign policy.

The political paradigm to be used in this paper is based on 'exopolitics'. (4) This paradigm starts with the premise that there exists an extraterrestrial (ET) presence on Earth which clandestine government organizations have been withholding knowledge of from the general public and elected public officials. Rather than being an unsubstantiated 'conspiracy theory' with little relevance to contemporary policy issues such as a preemptive US war against Iraq, it will be argued that an exopolitical analysis can provide a more comprehensive understanding of what motivates the Bush administration in launching a preemptive attack against Iraq.

Exopolitics as an emerging field of public policy is primarily based on the evidence provided by a range of sources supporting the idea of an ET presence that is known by clandestine government organizations that suppress this from the general public and elected political leaders. (5) The most important evidence comes from former military and government officials who have come forward to give 'whistle blower' testimony in a number of non-governmental initiatives to promote disclosure of the ET presence. (6) While many disagree over the plausibility of the available evidence and take various positions either for or against the existence of an ET presence and government non-disclosure of this presence, exopolitics is based on the premise that such debate ought not preclude discussion of the implications of such a presence among policy makers and the general public. Therefore when one examines contemporary international issue such as a US led preemptive war in Iraq, one can explore the viewpoints offered by those using an exopolitical analysis, and consider the plausibility of these for a more comprehensive understanding of foreign policy, irrespective of the ongoing debate over the persuasiveness of the available evidence. This is necessary since those actively involved in a non-disclosure program will be use disinformation, intimidation and other strategies to deter witnesses, distort evidence, and deter public attention from the ET presence and how it pertains to a range of contemporary policy issues. Finally, a clandestine campaign of non-disclosure needs to be considered in conducting exopolitical analysis in terms of the likelihood of this influencing and/or compromising available empirical evidence that otherwise would confirm an ET presence. Therefore, exopolitical analysis has some key differences from more conventional approaches to political analysis which are based on a traditional social scientific method of a value free, objective analysis of available processes, institutions and actors in the public policy arena.

What follows is an exopolitical analysis of the policy dimensions of an historic ET presence that is pertinent to Iraq and a US led preemptive attack on the regime of Saddam Hussein. In conducting this analysis, I will first examine the available evidence of an historical ET presence in Iraq; then apply this evidence to better understand the contemporary political situation in Iraq; I will then analyze the motivations of the main political actors in the prospective US led preemptive war against Iraq; and finally conclude by making some policy recommendations.

What's the Evidence for an historic ET presence in Iraq?

The strongest available evidence for an historical ET presence in Iraq comes from cuneiform tablets directly recording the beliefs and activities of the ancient Sumerians whose civilization began almost overnight in 3800 BC. Most of these cuneiform tablets relate stories of the Sumerians interacting with their 'gods'. Most archeologists initially accepted that these were merely myths and attached little importance to them other than giving insight into the mytho-religious beliefs of the ancient Sumerians. That viewpoint received a major challenge in 1976 when the Sumerian scholar, Zecharia Sitchin, published the first of a series of books on his translations of thousands of Sumerian tablets. (7) Rather than treating the stories of the gods as myths that had little empirical relevance, Sitchin interpreted the tablets as literal descriptions of events as they occurred in the time.

Sitchin's translations of Sumerian cuneiform tablets revealed precise information on a range of topics that he argues could not have been possible for a civilization at the initial stages of its development with no obvious predecessor civilization to borrow from. According to Sitchin, the Sumerians had detailed knowledge of all the planets in the solar system, understood the precession of the equinoxes, and also had an understanding of complex medical procedures. (8) As to where they could have gained this detailed knowledge, Sitchin's translations suggest that the Sumerians provided a clear answer for its ultimate source. They revealed in their tablets that all their knowledge came from a race of extraterrestrial visitors the 'Anunnaki' ('those who from heaven to Earth came') who were not only teachers for the Sumerians, but also played a role in the creation of the human race. The origin of this ET race was a planet called Nibiru that had a long elliptical journey around the sun, and returned to this region of the solar system every 3,600 years. (9)

When Sitchin's innovative work was first published, it raised great controversy and intense debate between those either for or against his main thesis of an historic ET presence in Sumer that was responsible for starting the remarkable Sumerian civilization. Among those responding favorably to Sitchin's thesis included established popular authors such as Erik Von Danniken who had himself written in 1969, the best selling book, Chariots of the Gods, that proposed an historic ET presence in different parts of the planet. (10) Another popular author, David Hatcher Childress, outlines with great detail the ET technology possessed by ancient civilizations in his various books. (11) Less well known authors such as William Henry have similarly published books supporting Sitchin's thesis. (12)

To support Sitchin's thesis, many authors typically cite biblical texts that make reference to the 'gods' that resided on Earth and interacted with humanity. The biblical text most referred to is the apocryphal book of Enoch. (13) While the Book of Enoch was excluded in most versions of the Old Testament, it was nevertheless part of ancient Hebrew scholarship and indeed is included in the Ethiopian and Slavic versions of the Old Testament. The Book of Enoch describes a rebel group of angels, the 'Nephilim', who numbered 200, who settled the Earth and interbred with the human population before being recalled and punished by their superiors, the 'Elohim'. (14) The Book of Enoch provides contextual detail for mysterious verses in the Book of Genesis which describes a time when the 'sons of gods', the Nephilim/Anunnaki, interbred with humanity, and created a race of giants/heroes that ruled over the rest of humanity: "The Nephilim were on the earth in those days-and also afterwards-when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown." (15) Supporters of the Sitchin thesis say that this is part of the biblical evidence that an advanced ET race did in fact exist on Earth, had a long interaction with humanity, and even played a role in the creation of the human race.

In addition to the growing number of authors, independent archaeologists and biblical commentators supporting Sitchin's thesis, there are a burgeoning number of individuals who claim to be in telepathic communication with ET races who reveal information on the historic ET presence in Sumer. One of these ET 'channels', is Jelaila Starr who claims to be in touch with beings from Nibiru itself, and she regularly releases online information from the Anunnaki themselves on her website. (16) Another is Sheldan Nidle who 'channels' an ET race from the star system Sirius gives extensive information on the historic presence and influence of the Anunnaki in his books and website. (17)

There is great controversy over the extent to which such a disparate collection of evidentiary sources can substantiate the Sitchin thesis of an historic ET presence in Sumer. Despite the controversy generated by such sources, they provide a wealth of information that merits closer examination in terms of their public policy implications. Given that exopolitics is based on the premise of an ET presence that is subject to non-disclosure by clandestine government organizations, it is possible to provide an exopolitical perspective on Sitchin's thesis despite the ongoing debate over the consistency and accuracy of the available evidence.

How Does the Historic ET presence relate to US policy in Iraq?

An independent archaeologist that discusses a direct link between the ancient ET presence in Sumer (southern Iraq) and current US focus on the regime of Saddam Hussein, is William Henry. Henry's main thesis is that there existed in Sumerian times a technological device which he describes as a 'Stargate', that the Anunnaki/Nephilim used to travel back and forth from their homeworld and the Earth, and also how they travel around the galaxy. (18) Henry focuses on the following scene described by Sitchin's interpretation of a cuneiform tablet of an Uruk ritual text:

Depictions have been found that show divine beings flanking a temple entrance and holding up poles to which ringlike objects are attached. The celestial nature of the scene is indicated by the inclusion of the symbols of the Sun and the Moon.... depicting Enlil and Enki flanking a gateway through which Anu is making a grand entrance. (19)

Rather than a simple temple scene involving the chief Anunnaki of the Sumerians, Anu and his two sons, Enlil and Enki, Henry proposes that the above scene represents a transportation device used by Anu and others from the elite Anunnaki. If so, then such a device is most likely located in the Sumerian city of Uruk which was the founding city of the Sumerian civilization and the home of Gilgamesh, the famed king of the Epic of Gilgamesh. (20)

Sitchin, and authors such as David Childress who discuss the various technologies used by ETs and ancient civilizations, missed the significance of the Stargate in their own translations of the above texts and investigations of ET transportation. Both operated in a conventional paradigm where transportation occurs through rocket propelled vehicles. (21) Sitchin focuses on rocket propelled spacecraft in his description of the Anunnaki and their various trips to and from the Earth. For example, describing the transportation used by the Anunnaki in moving between their earth and space based locations, Sitchin wrote: "The texts reveal that three hundred of them - The "Anunnaki of Heaven," or Igig- were true astronauts who stayed aboard the spacecraft without actually landing on Earth. Orbiting Earth, these spacecraft launched and received the shuttle craft to and from Earth." (22)

It therefore can be concluded that there were two forms of transportation used by the Anunnaki. One was a form of rocket technology familiar to us which was used by the resident Anunnaki on Earth who Sitchin, described as the "rank and file Anunnaki" who administered the Earth and humanity according to the dictates of their space based compatriots. (23) Another transportation technology was the Stargate which presumably was used only by the highest class of Anunnaki, who dispensed the tasks of harvesting the Earth's resources to the resident and space based Anunnaki (lessor gods/rebel angels). Interpreting the Babylonian Epic of Creation, one gains an idea of the way tasks were allotted and the hierarchy of the Anunnaki in the way the 'supreme god' Marduk, dispensed tasks to his subordinate Anu, chief of the Anunnaki:

Assigned to Anu, to heed his instructions, Three hundred in the heavens he stationed as a guard; the ways of Earth to define from the Heaven; And on Earth, Six hundred he made reside. After he all their instructions had ordered, to the Anunnaki of Heaven and of Earth he allotted their assignments. (24)

Thus the Anunnaki operated outposts both on Earth and in Space to maintain their control over the planet. Given the strict hierarchy of authority described by Sitchin in his detailed analysis of the Anunnaki and their interactions with one another and humanity, it is likely that the Stargate would have been revered and a subject of awe by the resident Anunnaki and humanity who could only observe its operation but were not allowed to use it themselves. As such, there would have been only a limited number of Stargates around the planet, with the Sumerian Stargate being located in the most important of the ancient Sumerian cities - the most likely being the ancient capital of Uruk, home of the ancient kings, which is located in Southern Iraq. Significantly, after a 12 year lull in excavations, a team of German researchers in 2002 resumed excavations in the buried city of Uruk. Using a magnetometer which is able to detect the presence of man-made objects beneath the soil, and a powerful computer system in Germany, German geophysicists were able to map out the buried structures of the sprawling ancient capital of 5.5 km2 that was where Sumerian civilization began. (25)

An important event in the Sumerian descriptions of the Anunnaki, was the latter's final departure from the planet during a series of cataclysmic events that culminated in the period 1800-1700 BC. (26) Indeed, conventional archeologists support the view that there was a regional cataclysmic event that occurred at that time. (27) If in fact there were two modes of transportation used by the Anunnaki, when most of the resident/lessor Anunnaki left by conventional rocket ships, elite Anunnaki most likely left by the Stargate and closed it down. Predictably, given the reverence and awe surrounding the Stargate, it would not have been left unprotected in the interim period between their departure and its reactivation with the prophesied return of the Anunnaki.

A wide number of sources describe the present era in terms of a 'prophesied return of the gods/Anunnaki'. The notion of a 'prophesied return' in the context of the former Anunnaki presence varies in meaning according to three different perspectives. The first perspective is based simply on the idea of the gods or 'Anunnaki' physically returning to resume a prominent role in influencing human affairs and overseeing the use of resources of the planet. (28) In such a scenario, the first wave of Anunnaki would arrive to create the favorable conditions for the anticipated return of the Anunnaki elite. This would involve the lessor Anunnaki first returning and activating the Sumerian Stargate that would be required for the return of their leaders. Presumably, this would be heralded as a sacred event that should be celebrated by all humanity. The authors, Clive Prince and Lyn Picknett, argue that there has been an identifiable chain of global events involving key religious and political actors preparing humanity for just such a return. (29)

The second perspective on the "return of the gods/Anunnaki' is the return of their home world, the planet Nibiru. Indeed, there has been much interest generated by a range of books and online web sites devoted to the topic of the return of Nibiru, the home world of the Anunnaki. Many authors cite a variety of astronomical evidence supporting the idea of a tenth planet that has long been speculated to influence the orbits of Uranus and Neptune ever since it was found that Pluto (discovered in 1930) could not account for these perturbations. In the late1970's two astronomers from the US Naval Observatory, Tom van Flandern and Richard Harrington, begun publishing a series of papers supporting the existence of a tenth planet. (30)

The most widely cited reference to support the thesis of a tenth planet that is known but not released to the general public, is a series of press releases by the astronomical team that were searching a part of the sky which calculations by van Flandern and Harrington suggested would be where the tenth planet was. In December 1983, the chief astronomer in charge of the Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS) run by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Dr Gerry Neugebauer, announced possible confirmation of such a planet. The Washington Post Reporter summarizing the announcement wrote: "[a] heavenly body possibly as large as ... Jupiter and possibly ... part of this solar system has been found in the direction of the constellation of Orion by an orbiting telescope..." (31) After a total of six major newspapers covered the announcement, there was a retraction of the announcement and public silence by astronomers on the possible existence of a tenth planet. Rumors began to emerge of an active campaign of suppression of information and intimidation by clandestine government organizations. (32) For example, one of the astronomers at the US Naval Observatory, Dr Richard Harrington, spoke publically and wrote articles on the hypothetical planet X and there has been speculation that this directly contributed to his untimely death by 'natural causes' in 1992. (33)

A third perspective on what the 'prophesied return of the gods/Anunnaki' means can be found in authors who focus on the significance of the upcoming end of the current Mayan 5,200 year cycle. According to John Major Jenkins, the Mayans were aware of the way the solar ecliptic plane comes into alignment with the galactic plane on periodic basis. This makes it possible for more intense cosmic energies to reach the earth from the galactic core. There is then a corresponding increase or decrease in the level of human consciousness, i.e., parts of the brain either go online or off-line, as these Mayan cycles go through their different phases. According to Jenkins, the year 2012 corresponds to the end of the current Mayan cycle and will lead to a rapid transformation of global consciousness. (34) Numerous authors refer to this as a New Age of more enlightened global thinking and increased human potential. (35) The 'prophesied return of the gods' may therefore signify a rapid in human consciousness as dormant parts of the brain come on line when the solar ecliptic comes into alignment with the galactic plane. In this explanation, humanity itself would develop 'god-like' powers which spontaneously become accessible to large numbers of humanity. A number of authors, for example, have been describing the amazing abilities and psychic powers of an increasing number of children world wide. (36)

In sum, the available information on the 'prophesied return of the gods' can be understood to signify an important milestone in the growth of human civilization. The 'prophesied return' can be interpreted either literally or metaphorically to mean either a physical return of the 'gods'/Anunnaki; the return of a mysterious 10th planet to the solar system; or a rapid growth in the consciousness of humanity as the solar plane comes into alignment with the galactic plane. Despite the controversy over what precisely such a 'prophesied return' signifies, the factors in such a return that most pertain to the current political situation in Iraq and preemptive military intervention by the US can be identified and analyzed. The first factor is that an ET transportation device, a Stargate, or some other important ET artifact, may lie buried in the desert of Southern Iraq which presumably will play a role in the 'prophesied return of the gods'. Second, it is possible that there will be a return of a tenth planet that plays a critical role in return of the Anunnaki and/or which significantly impacts on the global environment. Finally, there is the potential for a rapid acceleration of human consciousness as the end of the Mayan Calendar, 2012, approaches.


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Elenin, 9/27, Denver, Obama

The 9/5 through 9/11 worst-case scenario for the solar threat did not materialize, even though we had many dangerous flares right on schedule. Many people think the ELEnin threat is over, but the volcanoes, earthquakes and other earth change symptoms are continuing to increase on schedule with the ELE Threat Assessment Chart. Obama read from Psalm 46 during his 9/11 Memorial Address, which actually points forward to the 9/27 ELEnin alignment and potential 90-degree pole shift event that could begin the terraforming of this entire planet; IF the worst-case scenario indeed takes place. September 27, 2011 is the most dangerous date on the entire timeline, which means we need to remain watchful and ready for the crap to hit the fan. Watch to see if the quakes and volcanoes continue on the uptick saying that ELEnin is getting closer and closer to our planet. While I hope to be wrong about the ELEnin Comet = Dwarf Star hypothesis, remember that this so-called comet still has no tail and shows no sign whatsoever of being an ice-based object entering our inner solar system.

Obama's 9/11 Memorial Speech:

Psalm 46:

Denver Airport Murals:

Obama Ordered To Denver Bunker:

ELEnin JPL Orbit Diagram:;orb=1;cov=1;log=0;cad=1#cad

ELE Threat Assessment Chart:


Paltalk Messenger:

Terral's Dwarf Star Research:

Thanks To who is the original poster

A disturbing report prepared by General Alexey Maslov, the Senior Military Representative of the Permanent Mission of Russia to NATO, states that he has been notified by the Americans of their plan to hold a DEFCON 1 “Cocked Pistol” maximum readiness alert drill on 27 September which will be overseen by President Obama at one the United States most secure bunkers located beneath the Denver International Airport.

Under the SALT I Strategic Nuclear Arms Control Agreementsigned between Russia and the US, both parties are required to notify the other in all cases of such maximum readiness drills occurring, but are not required to state their reasons for doing so.

General Maslov states in his report, though, his concern over this drill is “heightened” due to last months nuclear attack on the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) branch of the intercontinental military tunnel complex between Washington D.C. and Denver, and which we reported on in our 24 August report Russia Reports Nuclear Explosions Hit Vast US Military Tunnel Network.

Important to note is that shortly after the devastating attacks on American on 11 September 2001, the Bush regime moved to completely militarize the CIA by placing as its Director former US Air Force General Michael Hayden who served in that capacity until February, 2009 when Obama then put in place the former US Army intelligence officer Leon Panetta to run this most powerful of spy agencies. After Panetta, Obama put Americas top general David Petraeus in charge of the CIA barely a week after the aforementioned nuclear attack upon it.

The fears of both the Bush and Obama regimes regarding the CIA were due to their complicity in the 11 September 2001 attacks upon America utilizing their al Qaeda terror network headed by their main asset Osama bin Laden, otherwise known by his code name of “Tim Osman,” that was run jointly with Pakistan’s Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) and funded by the Saudi royal family.

Important to note is that Russian intelligence services were long aware of the CIA-ISI “Tim Osman” operation after it had been infiltrated by top FSB agent Viktor Bout who delivered to Marvin Bush, President George Bush’s younger brother, and Wirt Walker III, George Bush’s cousin the approximately 15 tonnes of Russian military PVV-5A Plastic Explosive plastic explosives used to bring down the World Trade Center buildings.

In our 1 September 2010 report US-Russia Bidding War For 9/11 “Merchant Of Death” Reaches $20 Billion we detailed this sordid plot and, in part, stated:

“Important to note about Marvin Bush and Wirt Walker III is that at the time of the 9/11 attacks they were both directors of the American security company named Stratesec (formally known as Securacom) which was given a $8.3 million contract to help provide security at the World Trade Center and which the weekend prior to the attacks completely closed this massive skyscraper complex for 36 hours to “upgrade” its security system.

Now Bout in being curious, to say the least, as to why the Bush Family needed so much Russian explosives for their “upgrade” of the World Trade Center complex was “invited” by Marvin Bush to come to New York City to watch “the big show”, an offer Bout did not refuse. And so the night prior to 9/11 Bout traveled to New York City where he was met by Bush “operatives” working for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), who “coincidentally” had scheduled an emergency exercise for the morning of September 11, 2001 that all too soon became real.

Bout was given a FEMA security pass that gave him unhindered access to the aftermath of the catastrophic attacks upon the World Trade Center complex which these reports document he took full advantage of. Unfortunately for the Americans though was that Bout’s “visit” wearing his FEMA “credentials” was filmed by FEMA’s official videographer Kurt Sonnenfeld, who was the only film maker given unrestricted access to the 9/11 site.”

The “main conduit” for Saudi Arabian cash used to finance the “Tim Osman” operation was identified by Bout in his FSB reports as being Abdulaziz al-Hijji and his wife Anoud(a grand niece of Saudi King Abdullah ) who lived in Sarasota, Florida, and who just days prior to the 11 September 2011 attacks suddenly left all of their possessions and returned home. Though the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) was quick to state that the Hijji’s had no connection with the Saudi hijackers it is more than curious to note that nearly all of them were recorded visiting them in the days prior to the attacks.

The importance of noting the CIA-ISI-Saudi connection to the attacks upon America on 11 September 2001 with the Obama’s planned 27 September “Cocked Pistol” alert is due to General Maslov warning in his report that this unprecedented drill occurring in Denver on that date could very well likely be related to threats made against the United States by both Saudi Arabia and Israel over the upcoming UN General Assembly vote to declare Palestinian statehood.

Where Israel commands vast resources within the United States to elect government officials, including Presidents, and who have fallen out of favor with Obama over his polices towards Israel, former Saudi ambassador to the United States, Prince Turki al-Faisal warned yesterday that unless the Obama regime voted for Palestinian statehood, “Saudi Arabia would no longer be able to cooperate with America in the same way it historically has” and the “chances of another war in the region” would be assured.

As we had warned about in our 28 May report Obama Vows War On Saudi Arabia, Orders Thousands Of US Troops To Region, and our 23 June report Nuclear Attack On US Warned Imminent As Saudi War Nears, the United States plans for all-out global war are well in place and are now awaiting the “spark” that will set it off.

To if the date of 27 September when Obama will be in Denver will be the date this “spark” is set off it is not in our knowing. What is in our knowing, though, is that since the CIA transferred their headquarters to Denver in 2005 under the mysterious airport [second photo right] with bizarre murals depicting [3rd and 4th photos right] picturing mass global death, particularly between Israelis and Palestinians, the questions as to who, or what, actually controls the United States today remains in question.

And when this information is coupled with the fact that 27 September is one of the most significant dates in American history because on that date, in 1777, after British troops captured Philadelphia, Lancaster, Pennsylvania became the United States capitol for that single day, the first time such a thing occurred in all of that nations history, and it is, also, the date that Comet Elenin enters into its feared alignment with the Earth, Sun and Moon with many believing these conjunctions are responsible for catastrophic earthquakes and tsunamis, and nearly all of NASA’s top officials and scientists will be in Denver on that date too, one can be justifiably perplexed as to the many meanings these events have.

But, to the greater meaning of all of these things it has been best stated by Woodrow Wilson, the 28th President of the United States, who warned the American people about the future to come:

“Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the U.S., in the field of commerce and manufacturing, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”

And to understand these words are to understand everything, especially what is to come. No one, therefore, can say that they were never warned, only that they didn’t listen.

It should also be noted that when the first announcement came Obama was going, it was to meet a group of Generals, then the story changed to a climate, clean energy conference. There is also a rumour the Hillary Clinton will resign on the 28th of this month. did a post two months back stating she would resign on the 28th.

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Friday 16 September 2011

Elenin Never Broke Apart?

Hoagland suggests that it is more than just an ordinary comet, and in fact is an artificial object protected by an advanced geometric energy shield – a space ship.

Most recently, on September 3, Leonid Elenin, the first to observe the comet and after whom it was named, wrote:

Now it is absolutely clear that the comet’s drop in brightness, first noted by Michael Mattiazzo on Aug. 20th, was not coincidental – the decay process had already begun, and over the course of the next several days the comet changed greatly. Its pseudo-nucleus became diffuse and extended, and later vanished completely. On images from Sept. 1st in the comet’s coma there was no condensation visible, and that meant the comet had already broken up into fairly small pieces, with a maximum size of not more than a hundred meters.

Aside from the apparent diminishing of luminosity and alleged break up of Elenin caused by the August 19 CME, something else happened on that date. According to Richard Hoagland, an unmistakable energy shield appeared. Hoagland writes:

Here is the latest Enterprise Elenin imaging -- produced from an original NASA STEREO-B satellite video, the latter recorded during Elenin's recent encounter with a solar CME (coronal mass ejection), August 19th. The new image-composite (made from THREE "40-second HI-1 camera frames") reveals several additional, startling details about Elenin's now strikingly "tetrahedral shield" (which we discovered only last week) -- that is apparently protecting "Elenin the spacecraft" (deep inside this shield) from excess solar radiation…. The full dimensions of this extraordinary "geometric force structure" now measures more than ~300,000 miles along each edge -- more than 1.5 times the distance of Earth from the Moon! Needless to say, there is NO QUESTION now regarding the artificial nature of this object/structure …

Hoagland released the above mentioned image composite on the Coast to Coast radio show showing the huge tetrahedral shield around Elenin revealed by the CME. The original video footage upon which it is based is found here.

The latest series of Stereo HI1-B images tracking Elenin show that it has not broken up at all, and that a triangular geometric formation did briefly appear during during a CME. This has been released on a September 2 video just released on Youtube (see below) - that tracked Elenin from August 22-30. The video also appears to confirm that Elenin’s luminosity diminished for a period of time, which is contrary to what was projected for it in Mattiazzo’s graph, and led to his conclusion that it was breaking up and would not survive perihelion – closest approach to the sun on September 11. Yet the August 22-30 satellite data shows that claims of Elenin’s break up may not be as conclusive as first thought, despite the period of diminishing luminosity recorded by Mattiazzo. In fact, Elenin appears to have regained luminosity during its passage suggesting that there is some other explanation for what was earlier observed.

Also relevant is a series of You tube videos that claimed Comet Elenin had been hit by some kind of plasma explosion from the direction of Jupiter on August 28, and had split in two. The problem was that apparent plasma explosion was little more than a camera anomaly resulting from Jupiter leaving Stereo HI1 B’s field of view. The same anomaly has been observed for Venus and other planets earlier, and even explained on the Stereo website. Also, the reported break-up of Elenin in two witnessed in the video was false. What the footage actually showed was Elenin briefly passing over another stellar object giving the appearance that Elenin was breaking into two. This might all have been a simple mistake on the part of some overzealous author, or part of a disinformation campaign that Elenin has broken apart.

Read More Here

Ron Paul 2012 Stands Tall

Despite what the mainstream media reports, congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul is closing in on the Republican frontrunners as his odds of coming out on top for the GOP nomination becomes more and more likely.

In a new poll conducted by CNN, the congressman from Texas placed only six percentage points behind second place candidate Mitt Romney, with 12 percent of over 1,000 American adults surveyed saying they are most likely to vote for Rep. Paul. In that study, pollsters asked Americans to consider a race where former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin would be included in the race. While Palin remains a favorite among Tea Partiers, she has not formally announced her candidacy.

The latest poll from CNN, conducted in the few days leading up to September 11, 2011, shows that Paul has managed to double his support since the last survey conducted by the cables news network only two weeks earlier. His success still puts him behind frontrunner and Texas Governor Rick Perry, but comes as a surprise to the many in the mainstream that have played Rep. Paul off as a fringe candidate seemingly unlikely to secure the Republican nomination.

In a race where Palin is not a possible candidate, the 1,038 adults polled put Paul as the third-most likely choice for president, behind Perry and Romney, but with nearly double the support of what was awarded to Michele Bachmann and Newt Gingrich.

At Monday night’s GOP debate, Paul managed to get the attention of the Tea Party crowd with quite a few ideas of his — some more popular with the audience than the others.


Comet Elenin Talk Still Here

As the site continues to ALWAYS discuss conspiracy and it is the top forum for it. GLP is a vast network of information and dis-information, but it sure makes for good reading when you need some entertainment. Comet Elenin has been one of those topics and I do have the largest database of Elenin information. We stopped posting all information due to hacking and malware that ended up on this site. I now have a company that monitors the site and has stopped attacks. I figured it is time to bring up Elenin again as it seems that even tho it broke apart in mid August, people are still freaked out by the Comet, and this is also combined with the fabled Nibiru Planet. So here is a post I found on Glp that should be read if you are reading Elenin.


This is the BEST publicly available data and scientific analysis, which shows that Comet Elenin has a mass 10 to 20 times larger than Earth.

The following report is offered as a public service, and contains ONLY information that is publicly available. I have no access to classified information, and am not sworn to any secrecy oaths. I have spent (wasted?) years worrying my ass off over this subject, and as a service to my fellow human beings, I'm giving you my best, and most credible, research results. My calculations show that the "comet" is very massive, but will not come CLOSE enough to Earth to cause global devastation (well, not by water, anyway!) This report includes enough data for you to calculate the "comet" mass yourself, so you don't need to trust me, or anybody else! I'm not being paid by anybody to do this, so I'm donating months of my time and research for the common good.

Millions of people are VERY worried about this "comet", and that is permitting the filthy bankers all the time they need to set us up for WWIII. Hopefully, with this new information on "comet" Elenin, we can finally set aside our main fears, and get on with the task of removing the corrupt parasites who are killing us, and our planet.

Gravitational Microlensing shown on Nasa videos

"Comet" Elenin has enough mass to cause "gravitational microlensing", as shown in the Nasa Stereo Behind videos from August 1, and August 20, 2011.

Gravitational microlensing, is the temporary brightening of a background star, as the "comet" passes directly in front of the star. That brightening is CLEARLY shown in both the Nasa Stereo Behind videos, and was witnessed by two amateur astronomers. If you watch the August 20th video, you will see the background star "glom" onto Elenin, get much brighter, and smear out into a 90 degree arc (also, the brightest frame was deleted before public release.) The overall brightness of the two, superimposed, is MUCH brighter than each of them separately. It is better to download the large jpegs directly from Nasa here [link to] To download the jpegs, select telescope=>HI1, resolution=1024x1024, start date=20110820, end date=leave blank, click "search". Then, click "download all Behind HI1". You will have to step through each jpeg, or assemble them into a video, to see the brightening of the background star.

Or, if you don't want to download the high res jpegs, you can watch this youtube in full screen mode. The brightening happens on August 20, which is the only time it passes over a distinct star. [link to]

Nasa has a short animation explaining "gravitational microlensing", and it shows how they use it to discover large, dark planets. Please watch this short video, to understand the importance of the Nasa and YouTube videos. Note that this technique works better when the dark object is far away, but it still works even with super-close "comet" Elenin, which indicates a large mass.

video title: NASA - Lone Planet Under a Cosmic Magnifying Glass [link to]

The brightening effect is also clearly shown in the Nasa August 1 video here [link to] Right click the GIF, save it, and re-open it in your browser, or a graphics program, then play it with 8X magnification. You can easily see the background star "glom" onto Elenin, form an arc, and get much brighter. It gets so much brighter, that the detector saturates, and goes to solid white. This increase is absolute proof of the high mass of the front lensing object.

The fact that the background star was not dimmed by the coma of the "comet", but instead, was made brighter as Elenin passed in front of it, is PROOF that Elenin is NOT A COMET! It is also proof of the large mass of Elenin. No more discussion or speculation is needed on those topics, unless the Nasa videos can be proven to be faulty.

It is amazing to me, that no one has mentioned this lensing effect. "Real" astronomers spotted it immediately, but are keeping mum about it. Probably many of them have already done the calculations, as shown, below.

The gravitational microlensing effect happens quickly and disappears quickly if the massive object is moving in front of a distant star. Spirals and bright "C" shapes are commonly seen in gravitational microlensing. The arcs of light are known as "Einstein Rings". Comet Elenin is now moving rapidly over the background stars, so the Einstein rings would appear for only a minute, just as witnessed, below. Without a large aperture telescope, and a fast exposure, the rings cannot be imaged. Instead, with a small telescope, and long exposure, the rings will show up, as described in the video (below), looking like the spindle spacer of a 45 rpm record.

Nasa has made 2200 observations of Comet Elenin, and has published NONE of the still images! Probably, many of their images show gravitational microlensing, so they CANNOT show their own images, without disclosing the large mass of the object.

Amateur astronomers have also witnessed the gravitational lensing effect, such as youtuber "ThePerfectMinds" (Francis Walsh), and CRU4T, formerly a member of the Terral Croft group.

Francis Walsh witnessed "a spiral" around Comet Elenin on June 30, using the robotic telescopes in Mayhill, New Mexico (Global Rent a Scope).

Here is the youtube where Francis Walsh discusses seeing the "Einstein ring" spiral - fast forward to 4:11, and also to 17:45. (He is NOT an astronomer! He had NO IDEA of what he was seeing!!!)

video title: Comet Elenin Report 20110630 by Nibiru Tracker 2012 "I Saw a Spiral" C/2010 X1 "contour" view [link to]

Red Fireball and moons seen in telescope

Here is another youtube where Francis shows what Comet Elenin looks like with a red filter. It is HUGE, red, and angry looking. But, with blue or green filters, it looks small and dim. The ancient warnings (Kolbrin, etc) say the planet killer is a fiery red color.

Fast forward to 9:13. When he sees the giant red blob of Elenin, he panics and suddenly pulls his camera down, muttering something about having to clean the lens! It makes you wonder if he was told to NOT show a giant red blob. Francis is probably a gate-keeper, as he NEVER gives the coordinates, so no one else can verify his observations. Most likely he is being paid to be the go-to guy for real time images for the sheeple - a classic gate-keeping operation. He knows literally nothing about astronomy, so why he is so deep into it, is a real mystery.

video title: NEW! Latest Comet Elenin image enhancement inspection "33" of 20110722 [link to]

In the same video, at 17:30, he captured what looks like FOUR MOONS orbiting the central body: [link to]

New images from Australia show a sudden brightening, just look at the August 29 series. You'll see a sudden bright blob, even though the coma stays the same: [link to]

Here is a video being pushed by Leonid Elenin (CIA disinfo guy), showing the "comet" traveling BETWEEN stars, not over them. Obviously, there is NO lensing effect, unless the "comet" moves directly in front of a star. [link to]

Various astronomers are saying the "comet" is disintegrating, mostly based on it's suddenly getting brighter, then darker, as they assume the ball of ice is vaporizing into ice crystals. However, the author thinks the lensing effect may explain the brightening, and darkening. The lack of an appreciable coma is consistent with a high gravity object.

All the talk about Comet Elenin turning and breaking up is just "ignant". The shockwave that supposedly hit the "comet" was just a lens flare (internal lens reflection) caused by the brightness of Jupiter, to the right. The slowing and turning of Elenin is caused by it rotating directly away from the Stereo B satellite, due to it's natural orbit. Sorry, but no breakup, and no intelligent "control" there. I wish it was...

"Comet" mass calculation

Now, the big question is, WHAT IS THE MASS (and what will it do to Earth at the expected distance)? By measuring the apparent angular size of the brightening area around the "comet", compared to its normal size, the mass of the gravity lens can be calculated.

Then, after the mass is known, by doing a simple (mass/radius squared) comparison with Earth's Moon, we can calculate how high the ocean tides will be. That will tell us how many BILLIONS of people could die when this thing gets close to earth, and what the safe elevation MIGHT be.

Both calculations are easy to do for an astrophysicist, but ONLY if the exact angular sizes are available. Since we only have some crappy video frames to go by, the following mass calculation is only A ROUGH ESTIMATE!

Using the equation for the angle of deflection of light in a gravitational field:

theta = {4GM}/{rc^2} which can be re-arranged to:

M = {theta(rc^2)}/{4G}

And, assuming the "comet" to be a point source of gravity, all we need to figure out is the angle of bend of the light, as it travels from the distant star, and is bent around the "comet" to reach our eye. Since the star is many light years away, let's just say the incident light rays are parallel. So, theta is going to be the angle between where the light WAS going (parallel rays) and where the light is bent to reach us (or Stereo B). Another way to get that angle is to measure the angle to the bright outer edge of the nucleus, compared to the angle to the outside of the einstein ring (depending on parallax errors). So, looking at the latest Nasa video (Aug 1), we can see the diameter of the bright part of the "comet" roughly quadruples when the lensing takes place. The hi res jpegs from the Aug 20 Nasa Stereo Behind video do not show a clear widening, just a great increase in brightness, so the Aug 1 spaceobs gif was used for the widening estimate. From the Aug 29 photo on [link to] we can estimate the size of the bright nucleus to be 0.1 arc minutes, since it is roughly 1% of the width of the picture, and the picture is 10 arc minutes wide. So, lensing causes a bright area of 4 X 0.1 arc minutes = 0.4 arc minutes, for a radius of 0.2 arc minutes. So, the angle of the bend is the difference between the two (depending on parallax), or .2' minus .05' = .15'. We still need "r", which is the radius of the brightened area. The bright part of the nucleus is about 4000 meters wide, or a radius of 2000 meters. So, if it gets four times wider when it brightens, "r" is four times 2000 meters, or 8000 meters. We also have to convert .15 arc minutes to radians, which is (.15 X PI)/(180 X 60) = 4.36 X 10^-5 radians. Now, we have enough data to calculate the mass of "comet" elenin:

M = {theta(rc^2)}/{4G}
M = {(0.15 arcminute X 3.14 radians/180 degrees) X (1 degree/60 arcminutes) X ( 8000 meters X (3 X 10^8 meters/second)^2)} / {4(6.673 X 10^-11 NM^2Kg^-2)M}, and using 1 N = (kg X m)/sec^2,
and so, (drum roll please)
M = 1.18 X 10^26 kg

This is TWENTY TIMES THE MASS OF EARTH!!! Earth's mass is 5.97 x 10^24 kg. Remember, this is a very crude estimate, based on a very grainy video, but it shows THIS "COMET" AIN'T NO EFFIN COMET!!!

One more calculation, let's say the "comet" only widens by twice, not four times, as we just calculated. What is the mass if bright ring of the "comet" only doubles? Since the "r" term is linear, the mass of the "comet" is still ten times the mass of the Earth! Even if the "comet" is only one times the mass of Earth, we are still guaranteed some real troubles in the next few months.

Please, feel free to tear up my calculation, and show where I've made some dreadful mistake(s). I will be VERY HAPPY to have someone PROVE this number is much too high!!!

High tide calculation

How high will the ocean tides be, if the "comet" has a mass twenty times greater than Earth?

Earth's moon has a mass of 7.35 × 10^22 kg, and orbits Earth at a distance of .0024 AU. The "comet" may have a mass of 1.18 X 10^26 kg, or 1,600 times the mass of the moon. The "comet" will be .234 AU from Earth on Oct 17th, or 100 times farther than the moon. If the normal ocean high tide is about 3 feet, with only the moon, what will the high tide be when the "comet" is nearest to the Earth? Since the force of gravity is given by F = (G X M1 X M2)/(d ^ 2), then we can compare the gravitational pull of the moon, to the gravitational pull of the "comet", then use that to compare the high tides. Since the Earth's mass is not changing, we can forget about the M1 term, and the G term is constant too. So, let's use F = M2/d^2 for the comparison, and forget about the units since we only care about the ratio. For the moon, F = (7.35 x 10^22) / (.0024 ^2) = 1.28 X 10^28. For the "comet", F = (1.18 X 10^26) / (.234 ^2) = 2.15 X 10^27.

Taking the ratio, the gravitational pull from the "comet" will be 0.17 times the pull from the moon! Thank God!!! This means there will be no increased high tides in the oceans of the world. Even though the "comet" is more massive, the greater distance means the gravitational pull is only 17% of the pull of the moon! Please check my numbers. I assume no liability in making this calculation! But, THANK GOD, if it is correct!

PLUS, if the pull is that small, how in the hell can we have the entire crust of Earth shift??? Huh? Huh? I've worried my ass off, over this thing, for years, and it only has a pull of .17 of the moon? Please show me where my mistake(s) are! And God FORBID that there is anything coming in behind the damn "comet"!

If the "comet" is only 10 to 20 Earth masses, it does not account for the earthquakes happening when the Earth is lined up between "it" and the sun. So, there might just be another, more massive object, coming in behind the "comet". However, if that was the case, the "comet" would have an irregular, unpredictable orbit, which would already be detected. It SEEMS the incoming "comet" has a extremely long period parabolic orbit, and doesn't appear to be orbiting anything else.

So, it appears the oceans will stay put, but we still have the coronal mass ejections to worry about. In other words, the Earth can still be baked to death in Oct/Nov as the "comet" pulls ahead of Earth. That should be the focus for further research.

It seems like someone gave it a little shove, about a thousand years ago, to make sure Earth could get through this unscathed.

Let's hope these calculations are pretty close, and that we don't need to worry about the next topics. However, I've included them anyway, just in case the calculations are badly wrong :-(

Radio Signal from the "comet"

The reported radio signal coming from "comet" elenin, matches EXACTLY the type of signal given off by a pulsar, just like the pulsar inside the Crab Nebula. Click the third play arrow to hear what the Crab Nebula pulsar sounds like: [link to] However, elenin also has the plasma streams from the sun causing the low frequency, human voice, like sounds. The frequency spectrum shows that the supposed "comet" radio signal has a broadband of frequencies, all the way to 0 Hz, just like a true pulsar signal. That suggests the signal probably came from a real pulsar in space.

A pulsar is a fast spinning, neutron star, with a mass between 1.5 and 5 solar masses, according to current physics models. Here is a video describing neutron stars and pulsars: [link to]

If the radio signal is real, that is the worst possible news for Earth, as a neutron star will totally wipe the Earth clean, then pull Earth into a wider orbit as it leaves in early November. The last passing of this object changed our year, from 360 days, to 365 1/4 days, according to many ancient texts. (That's why there are 360 degrees in a circle) Let us all pray that it is not a neutron star. The most important thing, right now, is to find out if the radio signal is genuine. If it is real, then the "comet" may actually be a neutron star!

Personally, I think it is now impossible for it to be a neutron star, as all the inner planets would be spinning off into elliptical orbits. So, at this late date, we can pretty much say that the pulsar type radio signal is likely to be just another scare tactic from the desperate illuminati criminals, or it's just a dumb joke from some astonomy student. Anyway, we'll see very soon if the orbits get perturbed. Till then, the pulsar signal is probably fake.

You've got to admit, it's kind of funny, the internet researchers are now trying to decipher some human speech in the radio signal, when instead, they should be listening to the lawnmower sound, to determine WHICH known pulsar, if any, has produced that audio. I can imagine the global elites having a good laugh at the sheeple over that one. "Touche', Lord Evelyn, you never overestimate them, do you? ha ha ha." Apparently, they have a law, according to THEIR god, that they have to warn us first, before killing us. Well, that radio signal may be the best warning we can ever get (if it's real). Their law doesn't say it has to be an obvious warning, though.

One example of a hidden illuminati warning is the new Texas license plate. The new license plate CLEARLY shows the red destroyer planet, so texans see the warning dozens of times a day, but never realize what it means! Of course, the New Mexico license plate has shown the "planet of the crossing" for years, but now even the Texas plate shows an up close image of it.

US Navy Space Command disinfo

What a perfect time for a disinfo attack, when a possible pulsar signal is coming from the "comet" elenin! The comforting posts from the "US Navy Space Command - I've been to Elenin" guy, are partly true, but the part about Elenin being a benign and beautiful teacher, fits the pattern of coverups coming from the global elites (Sheldan Nidle, SayLooser, "ascension" pushers). Let's face it, they are NOT giving up their hope of wiping out 93% of the human race (their target is 500 million survivors), so they can reign SUPREME for another 3,600 (or 11,800) years.

Just as Leonid Elenin "discovered" the "comet", now the US Navy Space Command guy was warning about the pulsar signal BEFORE it was discovered. That is a common intelligence/mind control technique to manage the flow of information. Posts like this one, are a real headache for those assholes.

The biggest problem with the "US Navy Space Command" guy, is the way he posted. If you are really in fear for your safety, you don't hang around for hours posting, posting, posting. Instead, you type up your main message as clearly as possible, and post it all in one go. Also, violating your DoD clearance is a life and death matter, which nobody takes lightly. So, that shows the Comet Elenin "type E asteroid" story is just disinfo, designed to make sure the herd does not stampede the rancher to death. (Ain't it about time for a good stampede?)

His postings show how good disinfo is done. Most of these paid shills don't understand good disinfo. They are pitiful morons, like the people who WILL criticize this analysis without understanding it first. To do good disinfo, you disclose REAL truths, then insert your single talking point somewhere in the middle. Plus, of course, bring the reader to an emotional crescendo, THEN spring the disinfo on them, when the brains' defenses are down due to the emotional state. So, hats off to the US Navy Space guy, as that was a pretty good delivery about how harmless this E class asteroid is. The blood of billions of people will be on your hands, you paid disinfo whore. May you, and your handlers, rot, slowly, in Hell.

Speaking of navy disinfo, this question is directed to Terral Croft: Hey Terral! Why do you trust the John Moore retired navy guy's map, when one of the safe places they were given is 100 miles downwind of the Yellowstone caldera? Surely, if that is not a safe zone, then maybe Arkansas is not safe either? The Rockefellers want to get rid of anyone with knowledge of the free energy/antigravity technologies, and that is one way to do it.

The ruling bloodlines have been through this "comet" passing twice before. That is how they got on top. That is how they stay on top. They know what will happen, and when it will happen. Their only problem THIS TIME is the internet. They are very afraid that even their own bodyguards will put them down, like rabid dogs, for the good of humanity. The TRUE power now lies in the hands of those bodyguards, and even the elite know it. That is why the Seal Team Six mass murder was such a mistake. The elites ALWAYS get rid of their helpers quietly and secretly. They broke protocol on that one!

Astronut disinfo

The main thing that stopped the rising panic over "comet" Elenin this summer, was Astronut's post on GLP: "Elenin fails to perturb a small asteroid at 0.002 AUs distance" link Thread: Elenin fails to perturb a small asteroid at 0.002 AUs distance Astronut said: "On May 20th (Friday), C/2010 X1 (Elenin) passed within 0.002 AUs of an asteroid in the asteroid belt known as 1999 RQ176... According to astrometry it was detected at..."

Well, what exactly does "according to astrometry" mean? It means that after he took the SINGLE telescope stacked image, he emailed the SINGLE image to a Flickr Yahoo group (link [link to] who supposedly told him what the coordinates of the objects were. By using a "blind astrometry solver", which is star charting software, this mysterious group came up with exactly the right answer to show the "comet" had no effect on the asteroid. I do not think any of that evidence is credible, as we have only Astronut's word on this (no other witnesses!), and who knows what, or if, the Flickr group emailed back. For instance, the "results" data from Flickr, shown here [link to] only located the center of the image, and have NOTHING to do with the coordinates that Astronut quotes in his post. He claims, of course, the coordinates they returned confirm the comet had no effect on the asteroid.

Astronut's biggest mistake was not taking another, delayed image, to prove he was actually looking at the nearly invisible, 3 Km wide rock, and not just a very faint star. Without a second photo, he, or Flickr, could have picked a faint star in the right area, and said "see it's in exactly the right spot - no effect from elenin at all". So, with only a SINGLE image used to find the very faint asteroid, Astronut's measurement is COMPLETELY BOGUS!!!

Also, Astronut has a history of showing up, like clockwork, to debunk any real data on "comet" elenin. He has stated many times, over and over: "the comet is not a threat." He is not an investigator, he already knows the answer, and he is pushing an agenda. Why the hell should any normal person CARE what somebody else thinks about a comet???

In one of his Comet Elenin posts, he did not realize that Google Sky used infrared images from the year 2007, instead, he SOMEHOW thought they were real time images. Then, after being caught, he edited his post to delete his stupid mistake. That proved to me, that he knows nothing about astronomy, that he's worried about his credibility, and that he's just another paid disinfo shill. So, to take ONLY his word, that the asteroid was NOT affected by "comet" elenin, is a very risky bet (I'd take 100 to 1 on that action).

The discoverer of the "comet", Leonid Elenin, did the exact SAME measurement of the asteroid as Astronut did, but about 21 hours earlier, and used the exact same Flickr Yahoo astrometry group to determine the position of both objects (small world, huh?). Leonid Elenin came up with slightly different position values compared to Astronut, presumably because the measurements were 21 hours apart. No surprises there, Leonid Elenin found the asteroid was in exactly the right spot to prove the "comet" has essentially no gravitational pull. Maybe Astronut and Leonid Elenin are working for the same manager? Maybe they are the same guy? Here is Leonid Elenin's asteroid measurement [link to] Now, to Astronut's credit, at least his telescope image shows the date and time. For some reason the image from Leonid Elenin has been cropped to remove the date and time. Little things like that really hurt a scientist's credibility, and it should. Most CCD deep sky imagers take a PC monitor shaped rectangular image, so why would he crop it down, as that will only hurt the accuracy of the astrometry position measurement. I smell a couple of rats, or maybe just one big rat?

If the 1999 RQ176 asteroid could be located and imaged now, then the Elenin mass could be confirmed. Also, the orbit of Mercury may have been changed since mercury passed between Elenin and the Sun in early July. If Mercury still has a normal orbit, then I'm wrong, and I will be overjoyed! But, we are now seeing big disturbances in the solar system, so a change in the orbit of Mercury is likely. Please post orbital data on Mercury, if you have it (and I don't mean Nasa sourced data, but direct observations).

The evidence is becoming convincing, that Comet Elenin MAY BE a massive object, that the Earth MAY BE wiped clean by wind and water, shaken, drowned, and baked to death this October/November 2011. Also, the orbit of Earth COULD BE changed after the close flyby. Depending on the mass, the orbit of earth could become elliptical, and much farther from the sun. A planetary freeze would explain why the deep underground hotels are set up for a long term stay.

Gravity node rings causing Earth to ring like a bell

Every few days, the entire Earth has an identical earthquake waveform travel from east to west, north to south, and pole to pole. In effect,the entire Earth "rings like a bell". See the charts here: [link to] This is further evidence of a massive object approaching from space. Supposing that a massive object is spinning, and nearing earth, a little known physical force becomes important. That unknown force is called the Lens-Thirring effect, where a spinning object in space causes the spacetime around it to twist or rotate with the massive body. However, as Stan Deyo revealed a few years ago, the Lens-Thirring effect also causes "gravity node rings". These rings are places of increased gravitational force, and are the "troughs" where the planets are located now, each one sitting in a gravity node ring caused by the rotation of our sun. The point here, is that, when the entire Earth as the same earthquake waveform, it is because the Earth is passing through one of the gravity node rings created by the incoming "comet". It would be helpful for someone to graph the frequency and intensity of the whole Earth earthquakes, as that could help reveal the position and movement of the incoming massive object.

An incoming magnetic mass, 20 times the mass of Earth, would explain the increasing earthquakes, the entire planet ringing like a bell, the disappearing magnetic field, the changing earth axis, the solar flares, the increasing asteroids and meteors, the heating planets, the increase in the moon's eccentricity, the shutdown of the SETI antenna arrays, the expansion of the hollow earth, and the gaps in human history. It would also explain the Mayan calendar, and how all nine "ages" simultaneously end on October 28th, 2011.

October 28th MAY be the worst time for Earth, as we MAY be baked by a coronal mass ejection pulled from the sun by the huge mass in front of Earth. We won't need 5000 foot tides, if the air temperature is 160 degrees fahrenheit, to still have a global cataclysm. Also, if Earth's orbit elongates, it will be game over, as our planet will become a deep freeze, like Mars. May the Creator grant us mercy, that these things will not happen!

Nuclear poisoning of entire planet

Still, the worst issue concerning an ELE/dwarf star scenario, is manmade. The worst issue is NOT the pole shift and global devastation, but the fact that the spent fuel pool of EVERY nuclear reactor on earth, will go dry, and rapidly proceed to combustion/aerosol/smoke. This amount of radiation will kill ALL of the northern hemisphere, and possibly the southern hemisphere as well, with only cockroaches and grass surviving. That is the REAL concern for an ELE event in October/November, 2011, which no one is talking about. This is the reason, we must use our focus and intention, and every other power we have, to stop such events.

As a precaution, ALL NUCLEAR PLANTS SHOULD BE PUT IN COLD SHUTDOWN RIGHT NOW! All cool fuel rods should be dispersed, and moved to underground storage, if possible.

Perhaps it is already too late, was too late, when the spent fuel was created in the first place. The Rockefeller group should be rounded up and put on trial, as they are the architects of the nuclear nightmare we now face. They have suppressed free energy technology for decades to maintain their control, and have known about the dwarf star since 1983 (IRAS), but kept it classified. All the while, increasing the amount of nuclear waste that will burn when the pole shift happens. They are the prime movers in this global genocide, and should be arrested and put on public trial. Now, it is clear why they have spent trillions of OUR MONEY, on deep underground hotels. They know the long lasting radiation is coming.

The Rockefeller/Bush crime syndicate planned to be in South America by now, but they are being stopped from leaving by the white hats in the US military. Top scumbag, David Rockefeller took his entire progeny (four generations!) to northern India last year, upwind of Fukushima, and no one has seen him since. Yes, even Bill Clinton is really a Rockefeller, as Winthrop Rockefeller (governor of Arkansas) was his biological father. So, The USA has been run by the Rockefeller/Bush crime syndicate since 1963 (daddy Bush killed JFK, baby Bush killed JFK jr).

By suppressing the information, that the Earth MAY be wiped clean in the next few months, the ruling elite are harming mankind in another way, perhaps an even worse way. By NOT letting us know of the danger, they are depriving mankind of a major opportunity for spiritual growth, for a greater connection with the Creator(s), for a united planet, and for a global renaissance if the events do not occur. And, if they do occur, then, instead of a period of humility and growth, there will be anger and barbarity. Without being warned of the danger, the world continues with the usual reptilian mind games, instead of coming together as a single species, and standing together, to face the danger. The ruling elites can always be expected to choose the path that is most harmful for mankind, and this situation is no exception.

All of us need to spend some quiet time, to send the message of our intention, that it is NOT OK for our planet to be destroyed like this. We will do whatever is required to fix the problems on our planet (free energy for all, trials/executions for all zionist satanists, no more predation of our home, Earth). We DO NOT give permission for our world to be destroyed. You can call it prayer if you wish, but please, let's all send our intention, and our belief that we should stay here, to correct the errors of the past. The horrible state of our world is not our fault individually, instead, it is a result of the zionist/parasite satanists that infest our lovely home. We will deal with them severely, if we have enough time to do so.

Why was this written and posted? Based on the evidence, there is a REAL possibility of BILLIONS of people dying needlessly in the next few months. This event will be the greatest crime our planet has ever seen. Mankind must be warned, and we must be aware of this conspiracy, so the mass murderers can be brought to justice.

Let's see how long this thread stays up, before it quietly disappears. If this post and the youtube videos are taken down, it is confirmation of this info! You might want to save this post, and youtubes, just in case.

I just want to be wrong about all this, and have the "comet" pass by harmlessly, but the evidence keeps pointing to a real threat. If we are still alive and well, by the fall of 2013, it is because we have been given a second chance to get it right.

Best wishes to the good souls of Earth!

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