Tuesday 19 July 2011

It's Not Phone Hacking, It's Murder

emailed by George Freund

In the News of the World scandal a circle of friends exist around British Prime Minister David Cameron and the Murdoch's. Of course we are well aware that Rebekah Brooks was editor during the so called hacking of child murder victims Milly Dowler and Jessica Chapman and Holly Wells. The cover story is the News of the World was looking for a scoop. However, the most plausible motive would be to destroy evidence of the person luring the girls to their deaths.

This is not a wild assumption. In the circle of friends is one Matthew Freud son of Sir Clement Freud now deceased. What could possibly be the odds that Sir Clement Freud owned a villa in Praia da Luz, Portugal where Madeleine McCann was abducted. I would say the odds that one of your circle of friends deletes messages from a homicide victim's phone and another owns a villa in a small Portuguese village where a young girl disappears is quite slim.

Even slimmer odds are the fact that Sir Clement Freud worked as a cook inside the McCann home giving him the chance to destroy or modify evidence. These details lead me to conclude that News of the World was actually doing the abductions and murders. Nothing would sell papers like a child abduction.

When we explore further, we see that one of the private detectives Daniel Morgen was brutally murdered. Detective Superintendent Dave Cook investigating the murder was the subject of surveillance by News of the World. He was followed even taking his children to school. Mr. Morgan's partner Jonathan Rees was charged with his murder. He was convicted of minor charges relating to the hacking. Upon release from prison he was hired by News of the World editor Andy Coulson a friend and former employee of the Prime Minister David Cameron.

It appears everyone in this circle has more to answer for than hacking telephones. This charade is like debating a bank robber's parking infraction as opposed to his robbery.

Rupert Murdoch owns the British Government. Like spies from time immemorial he has the secrets of everyone in power and can hold them at bay. The few ponds that have been sacrificed for public display are a classic dog and pony show for the masses.

Now that we have 20/20 hindsight I think we can look at the death of Chief Constable Michael Todd much differently. He was being followed by a private detective. He was in a relationship with a reporter Andrea Perry. News of the World could very well have hacked his phone and sent those desperate text messages. What did he know? News of the World executed his character with sordid tales.

In my opinion we are dealing with murder most foul. The circle of friends would be immediately identified as suspects had they not been immensely wealthy and in the corridors of power.

The drunken orgies of the Chipping Norton set are the level that these individuals can flaunt their control over Britain with scant regard to be named in an indictment, but the facts are clear. At one point of the circle evidence has been destroyed. At another point a direct relation lived in a small village where a child went missing and had direct access to the home. Police properly investigating murder are harassed by the vassals of the clique. Another may very well have been murdered. The source of the story has died conveniently. A close friend of the Prime Minister, Mr. Christopher Shale, died before the scandal broke.

One wonders what he knew and when. In many of these high profile deaths the causes of death are rather ambiguous. We are in the 21st century as I recall. British forensics was renowned in centuries past. We can only see the parallels to the classic 'Russian' heart attack of the Soviet days.

The system is rotten to the core. You are in a unique position to speak while it is staggering from the weight. Just because you acquiesce today doesn't mean they won't exact punishment tomorrow. Child murder cannot be condoned. This story isn't about hacking. It's about MURDER!

[caption id="attachment_3610" align="aligncenter" width="460" caption="Milly Dowler"][/caption]
[caption id="attachment_3611" align="aligncenter" width="228" caption="Holly and Jessica with Murderer Huntley"][/caption]
[caption id="attachment_3612" align="aligncenter" width="600" caption="Madeleine McCann"][/caption]
[caption id="attachment_3613" align="aligncenter" width="460" caption="Christopher Shale"][/caption]
[caption id="attachment_3614" align="aligncenter" width="228" caption="Michael Todd"][/caption]

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