Wednesday 17 August 2011

Solar flares, Quakes to Solar Alignments

Here is an interesting article that seems to take all of our theories and give them an honest approach. It's lengthy, but worth the read. Here are some excerpts:

"Changes on planet Earth comprise such a wide variety of phenomena, from extreme weather anomalies to volcanoes and earthquakes, so perhaps it's a good idea to zoom back and see if we can make sense of any changes in the cosmic climate that may be affecting us. Yes, we are aware that this approach goes against the sanctioned narrative claiming that these changes are caused by carbon-burning human beings living in an isolated bubble that can only grow warmer. But the pieces of the puzzle on the table point to a different, larger picture.

A huge central piece is our sun, which is not surprising, since this ongoing explosion in space is what brings order to our corner of the universe and to life to Earth. For the last couple of years the sun was expected to go into high activity in accordance with its usual 11-year sunspot cycle. But scientists were left scratching their heads as our local star remained quiet. Now it's giving off such a display of flares that it has NASA scientists going 'ooh and ahh'."

Thankfully, the authors are aware that this isn't mainstream science so they are much more willing to think outside of grant-approved boxes.

Here you have the Binary System hypothesis.

"According to the twin sun hypothesis, the solar system is in reality a binary system (a hypothesis which is seriously discussed by some scientists, and with good reasons, we should add). The sun's companion, however, is not visible as it is a brown dwarf. As it travels through its orbit, it approaches the outer rim of the solar system, pushing through the Oort Cloud on its way in and hurling comets into the inner solar system. You can imagine what this means for us Earthlings."

Relation of solar flares and earthquakes to solar alignments.

"All alignments with the Sun - conjunctions, squares and oppositions - appear to increase the likelihood of solar flares. ..... As we've hinted in previous articles here on SOTT, we suspect that there is a correlation between planetary alignments, geomagnetic activity and events such as earthquakes, volcanoes and large storms."

It also goes into detail about correlation between our climate and the sun's activity. It also hints at the science community's unwillingness to address these new findings.

"In 2005 we actually found experimental evidence that the sun and the galaxy is determining climate here on Earth. But for some reason, no scientific journal wanted to publish this. It was a big disappointment for me and my team."

They also corroborate the "Electrical Universe" theory and explain why comets are "pulsing" long before they actually hit the sun. It also explains why they are magnetically attracted to the sun without the need for the very out-dated idea of "Gravity" which does exist, but does not remain constant as once thought.

"Basically, electrons' movement are slightly retarded in the Sun's corona, with solar flares hurling out an excess number of protons. The excess protons in the solar wind creates a separation of charge throughout the entire solar system - a giant capacitor with a positively charged, doughnut-shaped nebular cloud of dust and gases stretching to the far reaches of the solar system, and the negatively charged the surface of the Sun. An electrical potential exists between these two poles and any object moving through plasma regions of varying charge density will become charged, depending on its size and relative velocity. When new bodies (e.g., comets) enter this plasma region from outer space, they ignite and begin to discharge the solar capacitor."

This may shed light on the sudden "emergence" of life on Earth.

"Another study published on 25th April 2011, claimed that several different species of bacteria can survive and reproduce in 'hypergravity' more than 400,000 times stronger than that of the Earth. The find suggests that alien life could take root in a wide range of conditions - and that it could survive the high G-forces imposed by meteorite impacts and ejections, strengthening the case for the possible exchange of life between planets. "

I won't post too much so as to fall into the copyright rules, but the article is VERY well researched and comprised of almost every GLP hot button.

It refers to the possibility of Planet X and uses every thing available to help explain the changing climate being seen on every planet in the solar system along with multiple wandering magnetic poles. It definitely doesn't come to any cheery conclusions and leaves you with the overall idea that we have a lot we don't understand about the universe and our institutions aren't helping us. Whether they are driven by ego or a false sense of "responsibility to avoid public panic", they are undoubtably choking the life out of new ideas that could change the way we live as a species on this rock.

Full article here

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